So yeah this is a new blog I’ve finally decided to start for a few reasons:

  • To practice, and hopefully get better at long form writing.
  • Somewhere to post the umpteen iPhone photos I take, but never upload anywhere.
  • Help some people out with some pro tips.
  • Make use of my domain that’s been sitting around gathering dust.

I’ve built this blog on Jekyll which I’ll go over in a post sometime soon. It’s setup so I can get all of this happening with just my iPad/iPhone.

I’ve uploaded several years of photos so far to my Diary, and aiming to get the last thousand-odd from late 2015 to late 2016 uploaded in the next few weeks. Most of these are super cute photos of Ally growing up! Lots of happy memories in all these, so it’s great to look through them again.

dog dog dog dog Dog dog dog dog.

I also plan to start doing mini reviews on Things I Use and ways I Get Things Done. Headphones, getting up early, dog toys, my daily carry items, apps, bars & cafes, iPad blogging. 👌🏻